Illinois Horse Rescue of Will County teams up rescued animals with people who will benefit from the love and attention that an animal can provide. We created IHR Impact to provide a structured, safe environment for people to interact with the rescue animals by helping to care for them, teaching them about the animals and encouraging them to take responsibility for the animals. The programs promote teamwork, acceptance, independence and accountability. For individuals of all ages there is no doubt that the experience helps to increase happiness, confidence, and self-esteem, while bonding with animals. We build a personalized experience for each individual or group.
We aim to serve in four core areas:

We are so thankful for the support we receive each year. As a trusted 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Illinois Horse Rescue believes in giving back to the community. The way we accomplish that is through Community Outreach Programs.

Come out and join us for a day full of FUN!

One of our volunteers saying goodbye to Banshee before she goes to her new forever home!

The volunteers are unloading a truck load of hay into the barn to feed the rescue animals.

Come out and join us for a day full of FUN!